Apply for a permit? Visit:…rms-applications/
Permits are required for the following:
- shed installation/relocation
- fence installation/relocation
- portable swimming pool or in-ground swimming pool
- hot tub
- finish a basement
- building a house
- structural changes
- roof-mounted solar
- renewal of an expired permit for an additional year
- temporary permits for sale of seasonal items or special events
- patio
- addition
- demolition
- deck
- roof over a deck/patio
- grading
- paving
- excavation
- no-impact, home-based business
- addition
- new business
- accessory structure such as a shed or storage building
- fence
- re-roof of an existing non-residential structure
- signs
- structural changes
- demolition
- excavation
- grading
- paving
- change of use
- temporary permits for sale of seasonal items or special events
- Stormwater Project
- New driveway or when paving to the street on a Township road
- Sidewalk
Tapping fees for a new connection to public sewer and/or public water are due with the submittal of the building permit.
***NOTE: This is not a complete list of all projects that require permits or approvals. Please contact the Penn Township office if you have any questions at 717-665-4508 or email the Zoning officer at zoning(at)
To view the full code of ordinances and permit requirements, visit