Proposals, Bids, & Quotes




Sealed Bids for the above materials will be received until 1:00 PM EST, Tuesday, March 4, 2025 at the Penn Township Municipal Building, 97 N. Penryn Road Manheim, Pennsylvania 17545. Bids will be accepted for: Blacktop (Picked Up and In Place) and Stone (Picked up & Delivered). Bids are anticipated to be awarded at the Board of Supervisors’ Meeting on Monday, March 10, 2025 at 7:00 PM EST.

The In Place Blacktop price shall include the appropriate prevailing wage rate in accordance with the Pennsylvania Prevailing Wage Act. A wage rate determination has been made and is included with the bid packet. Additionally, bidders for the Blacktop In Place contract acknowledge that this bid is for a public works contract and bidders are therefore subject to the provisions, duties, obligations and penalties of the Public Works Employment Verification Act, 43 P.S. 167.1-167.11, which is incorporated herein by reference. As such, the lowest responsible bidder must comply with the Public Works Employment Verification Act by submitting a Commonwealth Public Works Employment Verification Form (“Form”) to the public body prior to the unconditional award of the contract. The Form and relevant information can be found on the Department of General Services’ website at A copy of the Form is included with the bid packet.

Bid forms and specifications are on file at the Penn Township Municipal Office, 97 N. Penryn Road, Manheim, Pennsylvania 17545. Additionally, the materials can be obtained via the internet at, under the bids section.

Penn Township reserves the right to reject any and all proposals as authorized by law and to award the contract to a party(ies) other than the lowest bidder(s) at its discretion, if the best interests of the township are hereby served.

Penn Township
Board of Supervisors

2025 Bid Invitation-Blacktop Pickup
2025 Bid Initation-Blacktop In Place
2025 Bid Invitation-Stone



OWNER: Northwestern Lancaster County Authority
97 North Penryn Road
Manheim, PA 17545

ENGINEER: Becker Engineering, LLC.
1848 Charter Lane, Suite 214
Lancaster, PA 17601

Sealed proposals for Pumping Station No. 1 Upgrade will be received online via the PennBid Program ( until 10:00 AM prevailing time on March 10, 2025. At that time the proposals will be publicly displayed via the PennBid Program.

The Work will include, but will not necessarily be limited to, providing all labor, materials, equipment, and appurtenances for the following, as further described in the Contract Documents:

Contract No. 1 – General Construction: The project includes: demolition, bypass pumping, construction of a new duplex submersible pumping station including lined, precast manholes, lined, precast wet well and valve vault, submersible pumps, controls, variable frequency drives, gravity sewer piping, force main piping, associated valves and appurtenances, field instruments, a Bioxide feed system, construction of a new control building and site work including fencing, shrubs, and paving. Other work as indicated in the Contract Documents.

Contract No. 2 – Electrical Construction: The project includes: demolition, construction of power facilities at the site, including back-up generator and generator exhaust piping, transfer switch, control building fans, louvers, unit heater, electrical devices, integration with Owner’s SCADA system, and power and control wiring for the project. Other work as indicated in the Contract Documents.

Contract Documents are available at no cost at

All questions shall be submitted in writing via PennBid. Any and all questions received after 4:00 PM on March 3, 2025 regarding the project will not be acknowledged.

Each proposal shall be accompanied by a bid bond in the required form, certified check, letter of credit, or other security acceptable to the OWNER in the amount of 10 percent of the total bid.

The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all employees and applicants for employment are not discriminated against because of their race, creed, color, age, religion, sex, or national origin.

This contract is subject to the Pennsylvania Prevailing Wage Act conditions.

It is brought to the attention of the Bidder that the Project will be funded by PENNVEST.

This contract is subject to the Steel Products Procurement Act.

This contract is subject to the Federal Occupational Safety & Health Act of 1970 (OSHA) conditions.

This contract is subject to PA Act 127 (Public Works Employment Verification). Contractor must submit verification forms acknowledging compliance with the Federal law concerning the use of the E-Verify Program. Providing verification is a pre-condition of the award of the contract. In addition, prior to commencing work on the project, the Contractor shall submit all subcontractor verification forms.

This contract is subject to Pennsylvania Human Relations Act 222 conditions.

This contract is subject to the non-discrimination in Employment/Contract Compliance Regulations Conditions.

Northwestern Lancaster County Authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids or portions thereof.

Northwestern Lancaster County Authority
Barbara Horst, Chairperson


Bidding Thresholds Increase (Effective Jan. 1, 2025)

The Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry published the authority and municipal bidding thresholds for 2024. Under Act 90 of 2011, the bidding thresholds provide for an annual inflation adjustment based on the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers.

The percentage change for the 12-month period ending September 30, 2024, is 2.4%. PLEASE NOTE: The law (Act 90 of 2011) caps an increase at a maximum of 3%.

Beginning January 1, 2025, the bidding thresholds for municipal authorities will be as follows:

  • Purchases and contracts below $12,900 require no formal bidding or written/telephonic quotations.
  • Purchases and contracts between $12,900 and $23,800 require three written/telephonic quotations.
  • Purchases and contracts over $23,800 require formal bidding.