Employment & Volunteer Opportunities


No current job openings.

Job application: https://penntwplanco.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Employment-Application_fillable.pdf.

Volunteer Opportunities

The township planning commission has one vacant, alternate member position available. An appointed alternate member of the planning commission may participate and may vote to meet quorum of the planning commission members present. The planning commission is a advisory agency of the township that gives recommendations on land development and related applications. The MPC (Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code) provides a specific set of rules that must be followed for applications submitted to the planning commission.

Under Section 209.1 of the MPC, a planning commission is also, when authorized by the board of supervisors, empowered to:

1. To prepare a comprehensive plan for the long-term growth, development, and well-being of the municipality.
2. Make recommendations to the governing body concerning the adoption or amendment of an official map.
3. Prepare and present to the governing body a zoning ordinance, and make recommendations to the governing body on proposed amendments to it.
4. Prepare, recommend, and administer subdivision and land development and planned residential development regulations.
5. Prepare and present to the governing body a building code and a housing code and make recommendations concerning proposed amendments thereto.
6. Do such other acts or make studies as may be necessary to fulfill the duties and obligations imposed by the MPC.
7. Prepare and present to the governing body an environmental study.
8. Submit to the governing body a recommended capital improvements program.
9. Prepare and present to the governing body a water survey, which shall be consistent with the State Water Plan and any applicable water resources plan adopted by a river basin commission. The water survey shall be conducted in consultation with any public water supplier in the area to be surveyed.
10. Promote public interest in, and understanding of, the comprehensive plan and planning.
11. Make recommendations to governmental, civic, and private agencies and individuals as to the effectiveness of the proposals of such agencies and individuals.
12. Hold public hearings and meetings.
13. Present testimony before any board.
14. Require from other departments and agencies of the municipality such available information as relates to the work of the planning agency.
15. In the performance of its functions, enter upon any land to make examination and land surveys with the consent of the owner.

Volunteer Application

eCode Township Planning Commission