511PA Travel Info To Go
8-1-1 PA One Call, call before you dig so underground utilities can be marked.
Brickerville Volunteer Fire Company
Commuter Services of Pennsylvania-Through our free services, we work to reduce traffic congestion by helping commuters find alternatives, other than driving alone, and by reaching out to employers so they can help their workforce find those options.
Community Action Program of Lancaster County
District Magistrate Edward Tobin (Local Judge)
East Hempfield Township
East Petersburg Fire Company
Elizabeth Township
Emergency Preparedness Guide
Highmark-Highmark helps you find free or reduced-cost services in your community. Search for local support
resources to access food, housing, transportation, utility assistance, medical care, job training and more.
LCHRA Home Repair Program
Lancaster County
Lancaster County Agriculture Council
Lancaster County Joining Forces against the opioid epidemic
Lancaster County Solid Waste Management Authority-LCSWMA manages the municipal solid waste and recyclable materials from Lancaster County, Pennsylvania homes and businesses, as well as refuse for the City of Harrisburg and surrounding Dauphin County communities. Once the waste is delivered by private haulers, LCSWMA employs a multi-step approach to trash disposal and processing, called an Integrated System. This Integrated System not only saves significant landfill capacity, it also creates clean, renewable energy (electricity).
Lancaster-Lebanon IU13
Lititz Fire Company No. 1
Lititz recCenter
Manheim Area Chamber of Commerce
Manheim Area Water and Sewer Authority
Manheim Athletic Association
Manheim Borough
Manheim Central School District
Manheim Community Cares
Manheim Community Library
Manheim Fire Department
Manheim Historical Society
Manheim Regional Emergency Management Agency
Manheim Township
Northern Lancaster County Regional Police Department
Northwest EMS-Northwest EMS provides emergency medical service including advanced life support to the entire northwestern portion of Lancaster County as well as portions of Dauphin and Lebanon Counties.
PA 211 Help, United Way
PA Counterdrug Joint Task Force
PA Crime Stoppers
Penryn Fire Company
PHFA Loan Programs for Home Improvements & Repairs
Rapho Township
Red Rose Transit Authority
State Representative Mindy Fee
State Senator Ryan Aument
U.S. Congressman Lloyd Smucker
U.S. Senator Robert Casey
U.S. Senator Pat Toomey
USDA Single Family Housing Repair Loans & Grants
Warwick Emergency Services Commission
Warwick Township
Cornwall Borough, Lebanon County
South Lebanon Township, Lebanon County
Lebanon County, Pennsylvania