Stormwater Management

What is Stormwater Management?


Stormwater originates from rainfall and other precipitation that runs off of surfaces all over our community like rooftops, streets, construction sites, lawns, and fields. Stormwater makes its way into swales, storm drains, natural water courses and it literally takes everything loose on the ground with it when it rains…pollutants, sediment, leaves, trash, etc. Penn Township is actively involved in meeting statutory permitting requirements under state and federal law. We are also active with partners in a variety of programs and strategies to enhance water quality through plantings, mowing strategies, and implementation of stormwater management facilities and other best management practices.

The Watershed Approach

How we now manage stormwater is through a watershed approach. It is no longer just about how water can be moved from point A to point B, but how the entire watershed “community” is affected by decisions made within it. Where water is directed and how its quality is impacted are the most common considerations made when land development projects are designed and agricultural conservation plans are implemented. But decisions made at your home, business, or farm play a part in all this as well.

Penn Township’s Program

From a regulatory standpoint, we have obligations to ensure that the rate and volume of runoff is managed in addition to controlling the quality of water that is discharged. Stormwater must be managed not only on private property, but also on public property through the township’s storm sewer infrastructure. Links below contain more information on our programs pertaining to stormwater runoff and links to outside websites and publications.

As a Resident, What Can I Do to Assist with These Efforts?

We’re All In This Together

Penn Township needs all of its residents, businesses, and farmers to assist us in keeping our storm water and storm water sewer system clean by doing the following:

  • Dispose of water properly.
  • Clean up after your pets.
  • Use fertilizers properly and efficiently to prevent excess runoff.
  • Store materials that could pollute storm water indoors.

No Dumping

Also, please monitor storm water inlets near your property. No one should dump anything into the storm sewer system. Call the Township Office at (717) 665-4508 if you see someone dumping or observe any of the following:

  • Sediment leaving a construction site in storm water
  • Spills (Chemical, Gas, Oil – PLEASE CALL 911 FIRST)
  • Illegal dumping activity into streams or storm sewers
  • Dry weather flows from outfall pipes into streams (72 hours after a rain storm)

Again, residents may be the first to recognize illicit discharges such as dumping into storm sewers or coming out of from storm sewer outfalls. If you see an illicit discharge, please report it to us so that we can help eliminate the problem.

Yard Care for Water Quality(click pic to view)

Homeowners Guide to Stormwater Management BMP Maintenance (click pic to view)